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Permanent Makeup Studio
10816 Hughes Rd, Houston, TX 77089
(713) 898 2191
Text Only
Q: Is it painful?
A: The pain, is very minimal and completely tolerable. Pain varies from person to person, some feel nothing, others feel discomfort. Also varies depending on which style brow you choose.
Q: Can I book a consultation?
A: Visit “Medical History” section on pre-care page to see if you qualify for microblading. If there are no underlying health conditions, you can simply email a clear photo of your brows without makeup to determine if microblading is right for you.
Q: Is numbing cream applied?
A: Yes, a topical anesthetic is applied prior to and during the procedure to ensure maximum comfort.
Q: Am I a good candidate for microblading?
A: Results vary person to person. There are a number of factors that can affect the outcome of your results from skin type to deep wrinkles, certain medications etc. Microblading is still an option however you should adjust your expectations based on your situation. Strokes may fade/blur quicker on certain clients with underlying conditions. Machine styles are more suitable for most/all skin types.
Q: How long is the procedure?
A: The full process can take up to 2 hours including time it takes to numb, map, shape and clean the brows. Additional time may be needed for cover ups or challenging sets.
Q: What if I have an old tattoo/ previous work from a different artist?
A: If you have any previous work done/ old tattoo/ faded tattoo you must send me a photo before booking regardless of how long it has been.
All foreign work will be charged the initial full price.
Q: What payments are accepted?
A: All major credit cards are accepted via Square Pay. Cash, Apple Pay, Venmo also accepted
(please note artist does not carry large amounts of change)
Q: Can I get a discount?
A: Any available discounts and promos can be found on Instagram or Facebook
Q: Do I NEED to come back for touch up?
A: Yes, it is a multi-session process. Results vary depending on skin type and oil production so any issues that may arise can be corrected and perfected at the required 4-6 week touch up.
Q: How long does it take to heal?
A: The healing process will fade the pigment drastically. It takes 2-4 weeks for skin to regenerate completely and up to 1 month for color to return. Once healed you will come back for a touch up to reinforce the pigment and shape.
Q: Can I show you a picture of the shape I want?
A: Brows are NOT one size fit all. I will map your brows according to your facial shape and bone structure to try and achieve the most natural results possible while complimenting your features and accentuating certain facial points. However, if you insist on a certain shape I will be able to adjust accordingly.
Q: How do I care for my new brows?
A: All clients will receive a take home after care kit, ointment and instructions on how to care for their new brows
Q: How long is down time?
A: No down time at all, you can resume your regular schedule as soon as you leave.
Q: How often do I need touch ups/ How long does it last?
A: After the initial 2 sessions clients can expect results to last anywhere between 6 months up to 3 years depending on their age, skin type, oil production, lifestyle, after care, medications etc
Q: I’m itchy and peeling is this normal?
A: Yes, peeling is a normal part of the healing process.
Q: Can I wear makeup after the procedure?
A: Yes, as long as you avoid applying makeup on treatment area.
Q: Can I bring someone with me?
A: For health and safety reasons there is a limit of 1 guest per client. No children allowed.
For any additional questions, click the button below.

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